Welcome to Lighthouse Baptist Church of Holland, MI!
We thank you for visiting us online, and we invite you to join us in person for any of our services listed here:
Sunday School Equipping Hour
Sunday 9:45AM

Our Sunday School classes are designed to cater to different life stages, where you will have the opportunity to fellowship with like-minded individuals and form meaningful relationships that can last a lifetime.
Morning Church Service
Sunday 11:00AM

Our Sunday morning service is a time for our community to come together in praise and to hear a powerful message from God’s Word.
Evening Study Hour
Sunday 6:00PM

Join us Sunday Evenings for an uplifting time! With encouragement and powerful preaching, our evening service is just the way to kick-start your week.
Midweek Study Hour
Wednesday 7:00PM

We love to reunite in the middle of our busy week to lift one another up in fellowship and be refreshed with study in the Word of God.

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